Friday, December 3, 2010

Visit to the last day of a gallery show on the Guidecca

Last week, I went out with the artist Robert Morgan to see his show, Against the Current, on the Guidecca, a part of Venice which is accessible only by boat.  This isolates the Isola from the rest of Venice, because in thick fog, heavy storms, and other inclement weather related events it is difficult to impossible to traverse the half mile width of the Canale della Guidecca, the main shipping entry to the city.  We jumped on the vaporetto, in the manner of locals who just want to cross the canal in lieu of a bridge, to spend part of the afternoon at the closing of his show at the gallery.

This was the last day of the show, and Robert wanted to get out there to see how it was going at the end of its run as well as to do some other gallery related chores.
It was a nice afternoon, after a cold and windy morning with an Acqua Alta, showing its remains with  shipping detritus washed up on the Fondamenta.  The gallery is right at the vaporetto stop, and when we got there, Robert had a meeting with the gallery owner.  I became interested in the Fortuny factory and showroom at the western end of the Guidecca.  Unfortunately, it was closed, but is open for visits at times.  

The Fortuny factory makes fabrics in the pattern and manner of Mariano Fortuny who invented techniques of controlled print transfer.  Check it out here:

When I returned to the gallery it was abuzz with activity, kids being out of school, and dads bringing then home..

 The kids got involved in photographing the art and each other...Dads were talking...

What's Mom going to say when she checks the kid's camera?  Well, the Dads probably don't know a thing.

We safely left as the doors were closing, and the sun setting, shining its light on San Giorgio Maggiore off to the east.

Well, it did, but by the time the vaporetto arrived and we left the Gallery, it was dark and the church was lit, as can be seen. showing its nice little yacht harbor... God does approve of yachts after all.
We made our way across and got home in time for some Nouvella, a ripe red wine.

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